Hemorrhoid Disease Meet the Expert, Hemorrhoid: From Diagnose to Treatment, Beyond the Basic
Pengurus Besar Perhimpunan Endoskopi Gastrointestinal Indonesia (PB PEGI) akan menyelenggarakan “Hemorrhoid Disease Meet the Expert, Hemorrhoid: From Diagnose to Treatment, Beyond the Basic” yang dilaksanakan pada:
🗓️ Sabtu, 14 Januari 2023
🕘 12:00-15:00 WIB
Link join webinar:
1. Revealing Iceberg Phenomenon of Hemorrhoid: When to Perform Colonoscopy
2. Improving Quality of Live of Hemorrhoid Patients: Medical or Surgical?
3. How to Best Manage Hemorrhoid Patients and Prevent Recurrency (Case Reports)
*Free registrasi
*e-Sertifikat dengan SKP IDI