The development of increasingly advanced technology, including in medicine, has resulted in various innovations to facilitate disease detection. One of them is the capsule endoscopy which is a choice for assessing the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and even the small intestine. Dr. Tjahjadi Robert Tedjasaputra, consultant of gastroenterohepatology, explained that capsule
Reported from YouTube RSUI with the headline "Chocolate can cause GERD! What is GERD?" Prof. Dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, MMB, Ph.D., FACP, FACG, gastroenterohepatology consultant, explains how to treat GERD. Check out the following explanation. When lifestyle has improved, drug consumption has been carried out optimally according to the doctor's directions, but
Dr. Hasan Maulahela, consultant of gastroenterohepatology, in the Ayo Sehat Kompas TV program - Get to Know Gallstones explained that when talking about the bile there are two things to pay attention to, namely bile and gallbladder. Bile functions to digest fat. While the gallbladder serves as a shelter. Meanwhile, gallstones are a
The digestive tract consists of two parts, that is the upper digestive tract and the lower digestive tract. The lower digestive tract includes most of the lower small intestine (jejunum, ileum), large intestine (cecum, colon, rectum), and ends at the anus. As Dr. Aritantri Damayani, M.Sc mentions disorders that often occur in
Some disorders encountered in the digestive tract are caused by food factors consumed by a person. Hendra Nurjadin, MD explained that digestive tract disorders are divided into two categories, namely upper and lower digestive problems. Upper digestive problems that often occur are dyspepsia or what is commonly called an ulcer with symptoms
Unhealthy eating patterns can be one of the triggers for someone to experience Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). According to these triggers, the production of stomach acid after Eid is related to changes in the 'eating pattern' after fasting. During fasting, eating habits tend to be regular, both in terms of time and
When the stomach is empty, stomach acid which relapse can make the sufferer feel uncomfortable. Syifa Mustika, MD, a consultant of gastroenterohepatology, shared three ways to deal with stomach acid that relapse during fasting. 1. Drink lots of water and consume fruits Increasing water consumption at suhoor and breaking the fast will
During fasting in the month of Ramadan, the body's metabolism changes due to difficulties in eating and drinking, as well as changes in sleep patterns. Most people with stomach ulcers or GERD are worried about fasting because they are afraid that the pain will heal. Prof. Ari Fahrial Syam, MD, MMB, PhD,
Prof. Ari Fahrial Syam, MD, PhD, MMB, FACP, FACG, Gastroenterohepatology consultant, explained that in principle when someone has bloody bowel movements the first thing to do is be calm and don't panic. After calming down, it is advisable to lie down. Don't do the activity first because you don't know how much
Based on the explanation from Dr. dr. Ariani Dewi Widodo, SpA(K), a consultant pediatrician for gastro hepatology, says endoscopy procedures are safe for babies and children. Endoscopic procedures can help diagnose certain medical conditions or complaints. Starting from children swallowing foreign objects, and vomiting continuously, to experiencing bleeding in the digestive tract.