Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is a gastrointestinal disease with disturbing symptoms and complications, due to reflux or the rising of stomach contents into the esophagus. GERD can be caused by the weakening of the sphincter valve in the lower esophagus, so it is not able to close properly. GERD is not life-threatening directly, but if ignored and not treated properly can lead to several dangerous complications such as chronic wounds, narrowing of the lower esophagus, to esophageal cancer.
Based on the explanation from Prof. Ari Fahrial Syam, MD, MMB, FACG, FACP The main symptom of this disease is a sensation of pain and also a burning sensation (heartburn) in the chest and mouth that feels bitter. Several risk factors can increase GERD such as obesity, hiatal hernia, pregnancy, delayed gastric emptying, and scleroderma. In addition, recurrence of GERD can also be triggered by several activities such as smoking, consuming large portions of food at once, eating too late, consuming fatty or fried foods, consuming caffeinated drinks or foods, and taking certain medications such as aspirin.
Incomplete treatment of GERD can cause complications of inflammation of the inner wall of the esophagus or esophagus. This inflammation can cause sores to scar tissue in the esophagus, making it difficult for the patient to swallow. This condition also triggers the occurrence of Esophagitis, Esophageal Stricture, and Barrett’s Esophagus, which are diseases that are at risk of causing esophageal cancer. GERD can cause death if there is a change in the structure of the esophagus which transforms into esophageal cancer.
According to Prof. Ari, the most important management of GERD is to prevent a recurrence. Therefore, there needs to be education for patients to understand the risk factors and triggers of the occurrence of GERD, and to avoid it as much as possible. GERD sufferers are also recommended to make lifestyle improvements to prevent a recurrence, such as having an ideal body weight, quitting smoking, not lying down immediately after eating, eating slowly, and not wearing clothes that are too tight in the waist area.
Source: https://www.balpos.com/gerd-tidak-mengancam-jiwa-tapi-berbahaya-untuk-jangka-panjang
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