Long-term exposure to air pollution can trigger inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). This is because pollutants contained in air pollution can disrupt the immune system so that it can attack cells in the digestive system. Prof. Dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, PhD, MMB, FACP, FACG, Gastroenterohepatology consultant, explained that inhaled air pollution can enter
National Congress & National Scientific Meeting of the Indonesian Association for the Study of the Liver, Indonesian Society of Gastroenterology, Indonesian Society for Digestive Endoscopy (KONAS and PIN PPHI-PGI-PEGI) in 2023 which will be held in Padang, West Sumatra. This congress is an activity organized by the PPHI-PGI-PEGI Joint Executive Board in
[BANDUNG GASTRO ENTERO HEPATOLOGY UPDATE 2023] Prepare yourself because Bandung Gastro Entero Hepatology Update (GEHU) 2023 is back !!! ???? Mark your calendar 19 Agustus 2023 ???? El Hotel Royale Bandung Register Now tinyurl.com/REGISTRASI-GEHU2023 Registration Fee Specialist Rp. 1.000.000 General Practitioner Rp. 750.000 Don't miss the chance to participate in GEHU 2023
Quoting from RSCM Kencana's live Instagram regarding "Endoscopic Treatment for Obesity" moderated by Dr. Saskia Aziza and Dr. Hasan Maulahela as speaker. Endoscopic Bariatric is an alternative procedure for treating obesity with endoscopy without surgery. Endoscopic bariatric therapy is divided into two methods, namely reducing the volume of space in the stomach
The Gastroenterohepatology Division of the USU Department of Internal Medicine held the Medan International Gastroenterohepatology Update (MIGHU XVI-2023) with the theme Novel Approaches and Future Perspectives in Gastroenterohepatology Managements which took place at the Four Points Hotel by Sheraton Medan and Chairuddin P. Lubis Hospital (University Hospital of North Sumatra) . This activity will
After feeling full, most people will tend to be sleepy. So it's not uncommon to end up sleeping or just lying down. However, the habit of lying down after eating can be the trigger for GERD. Prof. Ari Fahrial Syam, MD, Ph.D., MMB, FACP, FACG, FINASIM, gastroentero-hepatology consultant, explained that GERD is
The development of increasingly advanced technology, including in medicine, has resulted in various innovations to facilitate disease detection. One of them is the capsule endoscopy which is a choice for assessing the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and even the small intestine. Dr. Tjahjadi Robert Tedjasaputra, consultant of gastroenterohepatology, explained that capsule
Reported from YouTube RSUI with the headline "Chocolate can cause GERD! What is GERD?" Prof. Dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, MMB, Ph.D., FACP, FACG, gastroenterohepatology consultant, explains how to treat GERD. Check out the following explanation. When lifestyle has improved, drug consumption has been carried out optimally according to the doctor's directions, but
Gastroentero-Hepatology Division, Department of Internal Medicine, FM-UNHAS/ RSIP Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar, South Sulawesi will hold the "Makassar Gastro Entero Hepatology Update in Conjunction with World Hepatitis Day 2023" event on: ???? 26, 30 July, dan 5-6 Agust 2023 ???? Series of activities at the event: - Public seminar - Car Free
Dr. Hasan Maulahela, consultant of gastroenterohepatology, in the Ayo Sehat Kompas TV program - Get to Know Gallstones explained that when talking about the bile there are two things to pay attention to, namely bile and gallbladder. Bile functions to digest fat. While the gallbladder serves as a shelter. Meanwhile, gallstones are a