The digestive tract consists of two parts, that is the upper digestive tract and the lower digestive tract. The lower digestive tract includes most of the lower small intestine (jejunum, ileum), large intestine (cecum, colon, rectum), and ends at the anus. As Dr. Aritantri Damayani, M.Sc mentions disorders that often occur in the lower digestive tract are as follows:

1. Enteropathy
Disorders of the small intestine, for example: in celiac disease, are caused by an autoimmune process that makes it sensitive to gluten protein.

2. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
The cause of IBS is not known with certainty (idiopathic) but is often triggered by psychological stress.

3. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
IBD is an autoimmune disease consisting of Ulcerative Colitis (CU) and Crohn’s Disease (CD), or a combination of both.

4. Cancer or malignancy in the intestine
Especially those that are often in the colon or colorectal cancer caused by multifactorial.

5. Hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids
Caused by the habit of pushing too hard or the presence of genetic factors.

6. Radiation colitis
Inflammatory disease of the colons caused by previous radiotherapy for cancer, both gynecological, urological, and rectal cancer.

In addition to the chronic diseases above, there are also acute diseases, such as acute watery diarrhea caused by infection, either due to viral infection or bacterial infection.

Reporting from the YouTube broadcast of the Tribune Health Program Healthy Talk edition April 23, 2022, with the topic Overcoming Lower Gastrointestinal Disorders via\

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