Unawareness of GERD Could Lead to Danger
Evidently, chest pain is not only a sign of heart abnormality. Chest pain is also occured due to the rising of stomach acid into the esophagus. This condition is commonly known as GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease). Patient with GERD generally suffered with chest pain and heat effect (heart burn). Usually this chest pain is followed by a bitter mouth because there is acid rising (regurgitation). From the results of a survey we conducted through social media using the GERD questionnaire (GERD-Q), it was found that 20-30% of respondents were likely to experience GERD.
Source: https://lifestyle.kompas.com/read/2013/11/04/0919250/Hati-hati.GERD.jika.Lengah.Akan.Berakhir.Petaka