Exercising routine has many benefits, such as reducing body fat, relieving stress and panic, improving health, increasing bowel activity, and in certain cases, can reduce GERD symptoms. However, not all types of exercise are beneficial for GERD sufferers. Wrong in choosing the type and combination of exercise can affect the health of the digestive tract. For example, strenuous exercise can worsen GERD symptoms in some people. Including:
– Sports that put a lot of pressure on the abdominal wall, such as lifting weights (e.g., squatting), gymnastics, rock climbing, and competitive cycling.
– Sports that involve lots of jumping movements, such as vigorous running, high-impact aerobics, jumping rope, or using a stair-stepping machine.
– Exercise such as running a marathon, sprinting, or cycling can compress the lower esophageal sphincter by inhaling too much air, causing the valve to open and causing acid to rise back up into the esophagus.
Some forms of physical activity can have a significant negative effect on GI conditions, whereas others are known to have a protective effect against certain diseases and disorders. Intense exercise, for example, can have temporary negative effects on the GI tract, including nausea, heartburn, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal bleeding.
Consider low-impact exercises such as swimming, brisk walking, or jogging. As an alternative, try riding a stationary bicycle, doing light treadmill exercises and yoga, or lifting light weights. Doing regular exercise for 30 minutes every day will provide many benefits for the body.
GI Society, Canadian Society of Intestinal Research. (2007). How to Avoid GERD Symptoms While Working Out. Diakses pada 21 November 2022. Melalui: https://badgut.org/information-centre/health-nutrition/how-to-avoid-gerd-symptoms-while-working-out/
GI Society, Canadian Society of Intestinal Research. (2012). Physical Activity and Digestive Health: It’s Complicated!. Diakses pada 21 November 2022. Melalui: https://badgut.org/information-centre/a-z-digestive-topics/physical-activity-and-gi-health/
Gastroenterology Healthcare Associates. (2021). 5 Exercises that Aid in Optimal Digestive Health. Diakses pada 21 November 2022. Melalui: https://www.giwebmd.com/blog/2021/5/25/5-exercises-that-aid-in-optimal-digestive-health
Image Source: The Susannah Townsend Collection