APDW 2024 Hands-On Endoscopy Workshop

Simulation-Based Mastery Learning of Endoscopy Expert Performance Experience a unique learning approach in the first APDW simulation-based mastery learning hands-on course. Here, you'll not just update your endoscopy knowledge and techniques, but also deliberately practice them towards competency using the principles of the science of education and expertise. This day-long immersive course

Jakarta Intenational GI Endoscopy Symposium (JIGES) 2024

The Indonesian Society for Digestive Endoscopy and Division of Gastroenterology, Pancreatobiliary and Digestive Endoscopy, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia/ Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital will hold Jakarta International GI Endoscopy Symposium (JIGES) 2024 on January 17-20, 2024, at Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta. https://youtu.be/QxGFEdF9Yzc?si=vIid1ewWXOQDXFfT JIGES 2024 Agenda - January 17,