A new variant of the coronavirus, omicron has been detected in several countries, one of which is Indonesia. The rate of transmission of this variant virus is referred to as one of the fastest. The World Health Organization (WHO) said the omicron variant was first reported to WHO from South Africa on November 24, 2021. Meanwhile, in Indonesia cases of omicron were first discovered on December 16, 2021.
Related to the findings of omicron cases in Indonesia, people are encouraged to remain calm and not panic. In addition, people are expected to always enforce the 5M health protocol (wearing masks, washing hands with soap with running water, maintaining distance, staying away from crowds, limiting mobilization), and strengthening 3T (testing, tracing, treatment).
So what if it’s confirmed positive omicron? Here are tips from the President of ISDE as well as Professor of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Prof. Ari Fahrial Syam, MD, PhD, MMB, FACP, FACG. He said that the first thing to do is to keep the ethics of coughing because droplets of people who are confirmed positive for covid contain viruses so that they can transmit to others.
Second, keep the condition of the body does not get worse. Because covid patients usually in the second-week experience inflammation in the lungs and cause worsening of lung function. People with this viral infection also have low endurance so it is easily infected by other infections. There are also possible complications that can lead to sudden death, heart attack, stroke, or other hypercoagulation disorders.
Third, when self-isolation tries the isolation room, there is good air circulation and lighting (sunlight) and the bathroom itself. Fourth, the cleanliness of people’s clothes that are in self-isolation should also be considered by putting it in a closed bucket and directly soaked with disinfectant or soapy water for 30 minutes to an hour. After that, it is washed and dried.
Lastly, the consumption of medicines and vitamins by the direction of the doctor. Don’t forget to stay calm and think positively during times of isolation and healing.
WHO’s Explanation of Omicron, New Variant of COVID-19 – Handling of Covid-19 | Covid19.go.id Omicron Variant Detected in Indonesia – Sehat Negeriku (kemkes.go.id) Experts share Self-Isolation Tips on When Omicron Strikes – Apa Kata Dokter
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