Prof. Ari Fahrial Syam, MD, PhD, MMB, FACP, FACG, Gastroenterohepatology consultant, explained that in principle when someone has bloody bowel movements the first thing to do is be calm and don’t panic. After calming down, it is advisable to lie down. Don’t do the activity first because you don’t know how much bleeding has occurred and how much has been absorbed. If the bleeding stops after lying down, hemorrhoids are likely to be the cause.
Bloody bowel movements can also be caused by having hemorrhoids which then affect large blood vessels resulting in massive bleeding or diverticulitis (inflammation or infection that occurs in the diverticula, which are pouches that form along the digestive tract, especially in the large intestine).
Bleeding during bowel movements can also be caused by various things such as anal fissures (small painful cracks in the anus), bowel infection, bowel cancer, colorectal polyps, IBD, fistula (abnormal opening of the rectum or anus), prolapse (when the rectum protruding from the anus), and injury.
What tests are used to find out the cause of bloody bowel movements?
Examinations performed were selected based on the patient’s age, symptoms, and medical records. An appraisal that may be performed includes a rectal examination, anoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, and gastroscopy.
How to treat bloody bowel movements?
Treatment for bloody bowel movements is adjusted to the cause. If bloody bowel movements are caused by hemorrhoids or anal fissures, the treatment can be changed in lifestyle or diet. If bloody bowel movements are caused by bleeding, for example, diverticular disease, the patient may need surgery. When experiencing bloody bowel movements, you should consult a doctor to see the possible causes.
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