According to Prof. Ari Fahrial Syam, MD, Ph.D., MMB, FACP, FACG President of ISDE as well as a gastroenterology hepatology consultant, before fasting patients with GERD should consult their doctor first. This is because GERD is closely related to the stomach.
He recommends taking stomach acid medicine first during the first week of fasting. Because the first week of fasting is a phase where the body adjusts because previously the body was exposed to various kinds of unhealthy foods. When entering the second week the body can adjust.
Fasting Ramadan is the right moment to adjust your diet. During the Covid-19 pandemic, many people find it difficult to control food ranging from sweet foods to fatty foods.
Prof. Ari also added that fasting should be used to restore the body’s condition to be healthier. Time to eat twice a day with a gap of approximately 12 hours is very good for making the body’s organs rest.
For people with GERD, it is better to avoid acidic, spicy foods, coffee, chocolate, and cheese at the time of breaking the fast. Sweet foods are more recommended to be consumed, but not modern sweet drinks.
GERD often recurs due to excessive anxiety. Fasting is an opportunity to live a healthy life because we will be able to control ourselves better so that stomach acid can be controlled.
Source: https://www.elshinta.com/news/262642/2022/03/18/persiapan-ramadhan-untuk-penderita-gerd
Images source: Elemen Envato