Prohibition of Eating Spicy Food during Fasting, Myth or Facts?


During the month of Ramadan, there are many dietary suggestions to stay healthy while fasting, one of which is a suggestion to avoid consuming spicy foods. This recommendation aims to avoid indigestion or heartburn during fasting. But are these recommendations in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations?

Gastrointestinal consultant RSCM / FK UI, Prof. Dr. dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, SpPD, K-GEH, MMB, FACP, FINASIM explained that the actual consumption of chili or chili which is an inseparable ingredient for most Indonesian dishes does not need to be stopped at all, only needs to be reduced. This is considering the high nutrient content in chili. Chili contains fiber, vitamins, especially vitamin C, vitamin A, minerals, antioxidants and capsaisin. Capsaisin is useful for increasing appetite, stimulating bowel movements, and is analgesic so that it can help reduce headaches. Capsaisin which is a source of spicy flavor can also increase the body’s metabolism so that the process of burning calories can be resolved better.

Therefore, as long as they do not have digestive disorders such as ulcers, diarrhea, or others, chili is allowed to be consumed as long as it is within the safe / not excessive limits. Chili plays a role in helping to facilitate defecation which sometimes becomes more difficult due to lack of physical activity and drinking while fasting. In addition, the high content of vitamins and minerals in chili is also useful as an intake in the body.
Greetings healthy.



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