Often Consuming Jengkol? Beware of It’s Health Effect

Jengkol is a group of vegetables that have a distinctive taste. The portion consumed from jengkol is the seed, which is processed in various forms of food favored by some Indonesians. But who would have thought that excessive consumption of jengkol could cause health problems. Internist at RSCM / FK UI, Prof. Dr. Dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, SpPD, K-GEH, MMB, FACP, FINASIM (@dokterari) said that jengkol contains various important sources of nutrients for the body such as carbohydrates, vegetable protein, vitamin A, vitamin D, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and also fiber . In addition to these nutrients, jengkol also contains origin of jengkolat or a type of amino acid containing sulfur. Sulfur will cause unpleasant odors, while jengkolat acid can form crystals in our kidneys. Jengkolat acid that forms crystals can accumulate in the kidneys and cause blockages in the urinary tract, causing various complaints.

When a person experiences jengkol poisoning, he is medically called djengkolism. Complaints that arise can include abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, and vomiting. The patient will experience renal colic and sometimes accompanied by bloody urination (hematuria). Someone who is in acute condition of jengkol poisoning can experience no urination at all and acute kidney failure. If this condition is not immediately addressed, it can lead to various complications that lead to death.

To avoid these health problems, consumption of jengkol needs to be limited. Until now there have been no studies that mention the safe limits in consuming jengkol, but the most important thing is not excessive consumption. Then in the event of poisoning, they are immediately taken to the hospital to be treated immediately, such as hydration and dissolution of jengkolat acid crystals.
Healthy regards.

Source: https: //fajar.co.id/2018/12/24/legitnya-jengkol-bisa-ganggu- health-kidney-myth-or-fact /
Illustration: kratoonchannel


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