Norovirus, the Cause of Food Poisoning in China

Recently, the Chinese Health authorities said that there had been a new Extraordinary Event (KLB) caused by norovirus. Norovirus itself is actually not a new virus. Norovirus is one of the main causes of acute intestinal infections (gastroenteritis) worldwide, including Indonesia, as stated by the gastroentero-hepatology consultant and chairman of PB PEGI, Prof. Dr. dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, MMB, SpPD, K-GEH, FACP, FACG, FINASIM.

Prof. Ari said that Norovirus can also be found in Indonesia, as reported by Indonesian researchers in international journals, one of which was recently published in the Journal of Medical Virology in May 2020. The research was conducted by dr. Juniastuti, et al from the Institute of Tropical Disease Universitas Airlangga. In the journal, it was reported that of the 91 stool samples examined it turned out that 14 samples or 15.4 percent contained Norovirus. The research was conducted in early 2019. Samples were taken from several hospitals in Jambi City. Similar cases have also been reported from several cities in Indonesia.

Unlike the SARS-Cov-2 virus, Norovirus can be transmitted through food or commonly known as foodborne disease. If there is food contaminated with Norovirus and it infects people who eat it, in general, symptoms of food poisoning will occur, such as fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Clinical symptoms arising from this virus can occur within 24 hours after consuming contaminated food. Symptoms also appeared in the Norovirus outbreak in China, to be precise in the Shanxi Province.

To date, from the information available from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in China, more than 30 outbreaks have occurred since September 2020. Outbreaks involved 1500 cases, mainly reported to be transmitted through the canteen due to contaminated food. Therefore, in the event of an outbreak, suspected food waste, vomit, and feces of a poisoned patient should be checked for Norovirus as the cause.

Efforts that can be made to prevent Norovirus contamination are by maintaining food quality and cleanliness both in restaurants, canteens or in households. People also have to be diligent in washing their hands with soap. Until now, the principle of treatment if infected with Norovirus is to provide drugs to relieve symptoms of illness and prevent dehydration due to vomiting and diarrhea. In addition, replace foods with softer tones such as porridge, and avoid eating spicy and fatty foods.

Healthy greetings



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