Based on the Health Ministry of Indonesia, colon cancer or colorectal cancer is a malignancy that attacks the intestinal tissue consisting of the colon (the longest part of the large intestine) and/or the rectum (the final part of the large intestine before the anus)(Health Ministry). Currently, colon cancer is the third most common in the world and the fourth largest in Indonesia (Globocan, 2020).
In the context of Colon Cancer Awareness Month, which is commemorated every March. The following explains the myths and facts about Colon Cancer that are widely circulated in the community and need to be understood according to Prof. Ari Fahrial Syam, MD, Ph.D., MMB, FACP, FACG, The President of ISDE as well as clinical practice FKUI/RSCM quoted from the tempo.co page.

Colon cancer is asymptomatic for stage 1 and stage 2 – Facts
“Generally, if the shape is still a polyp even though there is already cancer there, it can be asymptomatic. However, if by chance it is a polyp and then defecates and sometimes there is bleeding, a colonoscopy should be done so that the polyp can be removed.” This is something that needs to be watched out for because it is not recommended to defecate and defecate accompanied by bleeding.
Frequent bloating is a symptom of colon cancer – Myth
Complaints of bloating are usually associated with upper gastrointestinal problems. However, in patients whose colon cancer has clogged up complaints of bloating can occur. Indeed, the intestine has a limit, if the tumor grows bigger it can clog the intestine and cause bloating. However, in general, bloating is a symptom of bowel cancer.
Pain in the pelvic area to the waist is also one of the symptoms of colon cancer – Myth
If pain is in the right or left abdominal area, it can be one of the symptoms. If below the possibility of one of them because of a tumor in the intestine. In addition, it is very important to know the causes and risk factors for colon cancer such as age over 60 years, genetic factors, previous history of polyps, and an unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, drinking alcohol, obesity, and not eating vegetables).
If you have been diagnosed with colon cancer, you should avoid alternative medicine because it can cause conditions – Facts
Cancer shows a very fast growth so if not treated properly, the patient’s condition can lead to death. If cancer is still stages 1 and 2, then surgery is performed, the survival rate for the next five years is 92%. However, when the cancer is in stages 3 and 4, the survival rate for the next five years is only about 12%.
Colon cancer can be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle such as not smoking and not drinking alcohol, consuming vegetables and fruits, reducing high-fat foods, controlling weight, and most importantly staying active. If there are complaints, go to the doctor immediately and if you have parents with a history of colon, usually at the age of 50 years, it is advisable to screen with a colonoscopy to determine whether it is cancer or not.
Kementerian Republik Indonesia, “Panduan Penatalaksaan Kanker Kolorektal” Komite Penanggulangan Kanker Nasional. Diakses melalui http://kanker.kemkes.go.id/guidelines/PPKKolorektal.pdf pada 02 Maret 2022.
Globocan, 2020. Diakses melalui https://gco.iarc.fr/ pada 02 Maret 2022.
Kanker Usus Besar, Fakta dan Mitos yang Perlu Dipahami. Diakses melalui https://gaya.tempo.co/read/1513594/kanker-usus-besar-fakta-dan-mitos-yang-perlu-dipahami pada 02 Maret 2022.
Ilustration: Getty Images