Meet the Form of Stool Like This? Beware of Chronic Constipation Symptoms
Chronic constipation is a disease with 1.78 times greater risk of developing colon cancer and 2.78 times greater risk of developing benign tumors in the large intestine. Chronic constipation is generally characterized by constipation or constipation (bowel movements) for days. However, it seems that someone who routinely defecates can develop chronic constipation if accompanied by certain characteristics. To always be vigilant, recognize the characteristics of chronic constipation through an explanation from Prof. Gastroenterohepatologi Consultant Dr. dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, SpPD, K-GEH, MMB, FACP, FACG, FINASIM (@dokterari) below:
1. If someone poops every day but looks like goat droppings
2. If someone poops like a banana, it’s soft, but only once every two days
3. Frequency of bowel movements that are not normal, which is 3 days (normally a person defecates at least 2 days)
If the above features appear, then my friend PEGI needs to be aware of the occurrence of chronic constipation. Especially regarding the form of feces, because most people only see the frequency of large bowel movements without regard to the form of excretion.
This chronic constipation can be prevented by consuming a lot of fiber, lots of movement and exercise, and drinking enough mineral water. Well, don’t be careless about the health of your digestive tract, buddy!
Greetings healthy.
https://health.detik.com/berita-detikhealth/d-4333327/yuk-dicek-bentuk-feses-slike-ini- denotes-gejala-konstipasi-chronic
Illustration: freepik.com