Some disorders encountered in the digestive tract are caused by food factors consumed by a person. Hendra Nurjadin, MD explained that digestive tract disorders are divided into two categories, namely upper and lower digestive problems. Upper digestive problems that often occur are dyspepsia or what is commonly called an ulcer with symptoms of bloating and heartburn. Apart from that, there is also gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which is characterized by rising stomach contents, both air, and acid, into the esophagus area. Meanwhile, lower digestive problems that are often found in the large intestine area include diarrhea and difficulty defecating (BAB), as well as bloody bowel movements.
One thing that needs to be considered about problems with gastrointestinal disorders, both upper and lower, is how often these diseases interfere. It should be noted that the symptoms that are felt are getting worse or not. Because if the problem is already severe it can be more dangerous if left alone. Hendra Nurjadin, MD explained that handling digestive tract disorders for mild symptoms can be done independently. However, if there is no change or the symptoms do not improve, you should consult with an internal medicine specialist to ascertain whether there is another disease underlying the complaint. Finally, if the symptoms you feel are the same or even more severe, you should immediately seek treatment from a gastroenterohepatologist (K-GEH).
Source: Kompas.com. (2021). Serba-serbi Gangguan Saluran Pencernaan Begini Cara Menangani dan Mencegahnya. Diakses pada 1 Juni 2023. Melalui: https://biz.kompas.com/read/2021/06/30/153859028/serba-serbi-gangguan-saluran-pencernaan-begini-cara-menangani-dan-mencegahnya.
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