Get to Know the Groups of People Who are at High Risk for Colorectal Cancer
Colorectal cancer is the fourth most common type of cancer in Indonesia and causes about 8.5% of total cancer deaths in the world. This disease is generally found in the elderly, but there are sporadic factors associated with an unhealthy lifestyle. As explained by the gastroentero-hepatology consultant and chairman of PB PEGI, Prof. Dr. dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, MMB, SpPD, K-GEH, FACP, FACG, FINASIM in his live Instagram broadcast.
Based on his presentation of colorectal cancer, there are certain groups of people who are more at risk of colorectal cancer, namely obese people, smoking, consuming alcoholic beverages, not moving around, not liking vegetables, and having a genetic or family history of the same disease. However, the most influential factor is lifestyle, including the habit of consuming red meat and less vegetables.
One prevention that can be done is by consuming enough fruits and vegetables. Prof. Ari said that there are no specific vegetables that can prevent colorectal cancer. However, what must be considered in choosing vegetables, especially people with stomach ulcers, is not to choose vegetables that can interfere with stomach work. For example, such as cabbage and mustard greens. It is better to eat relatively safe vegetables such as spinach, kale, cassava leaves, beans, nuts.
These vegetables serve to reduce the risk of disease by facilitating the process of defecating. The insoluble fiber in vegetables will draw useless substances from the intestines. So that these useless substances will not stick and cause inflammation, the appearance of polyps, and become cancerous.
Greetings healthy.
https://www.suara.com/health/2020/08/29/151918/ini-kel grup-orang-berisiko-tinggi-terkena-kanker-usus-besar?page=1
Illustration: freepik.com