Endoscopic Action Protocol at the Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Center in the Context of Covid-19 Infection Precautions
1. Patient Selection
a. Limiting actions to urgent actions such as bleeding, cholangitis, foreign bodies, access to nutrition or according to the considerations of the doctor in charge of services (DPJP)
b. As far as possible, elective actions should be postponed / rescheduled
c. All patients undergoing endoscopy should be evaluated for a history of contact with a suspected Covid-19 patient, symptoms that lead to Covid-19 (cough, runny nose, shortness of breath and fever), history of traveling abroad at sign-in and written on integrated patient progress record (CPPT)
d. All patients and presenters should undergo temperature checks
e. If there is a suspicion / suspicion of Covid-19, transfer to the IGD
2. Endoscopy Room
a. Endoscopy room disinfectant is performed after each endoscopic procedure
b. Equipment disinfection is carried out according to standards except in high risk cases, 2 (two) disinfection measures are performed
c. Staff, doctors or nurses who have symptoms of fever, cough, runny nose are advised not to come to the procedure room