Diarrhea in Covid-19 Patients, Gastro Experts: Can Take Longer Recovery
The symptoms of COVID-19 are reported to be increasingly diverse. One of the symptoms reported is diarrhea. The symptoms of diarrhea are not even followed by common symptoms such as fever, cough and flu at all.
Then what is diarrhea like in sufferers of COVID-19?
Gastroentero-hepatology consultant and chairman of PB PEGI, Prof. Dr. dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, MMB, SpPD, K-GEH, FACP, FACG, FINASIM explained that in a study in China, COVID-19 patients with diarrhea symptoms would recover longer. The loss of the virus from the body of a person with COVID-19 with symptoms of diarrhea will take longer than for people who do not experience these symptoms. The study was conducted on 74 patients infected with COVID-19 with symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders such as diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Found 2-10 percent of cases of vomiting, and 2-6 percent of cases of abdominal pain. Uniquely, 28 percent of these patients experienced no respiratory symptoms at all. When compared with the group of patients without complaints of gastrointestinal disorders which amounted to 577 people, patients with symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders experienced more severe complications. More patients were found with a high fever exceeding 38.5 degrees Celsius. Many families are infected and have a greater potential for liver problems.
Well, PEGI friends, because we can’t control what symptoms we will feel, infection prevention is the best way. Always apply 3M (washing hands, wearing masks, keeping your distance) wherever you are on the move.
Healthy greeting.
Illustration: freepik.com