Covid-19 Transmission Prevention Instructions for Healthcare Workers
Based on PB IDI Circular Letter No.02854 / PB / A.3 / 03/2020, the following are the Guidelines for the Prevention of Covid-19 Transmission for Health Workers issued by the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) together with the Professional Association under the umbrella of the IDI and the Indonesian Dentists Association ( PDGI) as a strategic and tactical step to reduce transmission rates and cut the spread of Covid-19 and protect Doctors, Nurses and other Health Workers who are at the forefront of handling Covid-19.
1. Instructions for Prevention of Covid-19 Transmission in Practice Areas
a. All patients wear surgical masks because we don’t know whether someone has been infected or is in the incubation period or has contracted Covid-19. By wearing a surgical mask, the droplets will be caught and absorbed by the mask so that the health workers in the vicinity are relatively safe.
b. Doctors / health workers wear surgical masks when examining patients and do not need to wear protective gowns.
c. Doctors do not need to wear a doctor’s coat.
d. During the history taking, the patient and doctor are at least 1 meter apart.
e. When doing a physical examination, you must wear gloves, if necessary, the sensation that you should not wear gloves, wash your hands before and after the procedure.
f. If there is an action that requires opening the patient’s mouth, medical personnel are required to wear an N95 mask.
g. If there are actions that produce aerosols, it is mandatory to wear an N95 mask, wear a gown, and special shoes or sandals in the practice area and eye protection.
h. Wash hands before and after a physical examination.
i. After the practice is over, clean surrounding objects with a disinfectant.
j. Doctors / health workers are expected to bring a change of clothes and change clothes before and after returning home.
2. Guidelines for the Prevention of Covid-19 Transmission in Triage
a. Each patient who enrolled was asked if he had complaints of fever or cough or shortness of breath.
b. Patients with symptoms of respiratory tract infection are separated from other common patients.
c. If the patient arrives, confirmed Covid-19:
– Ask the patient to wear a mask immediately.
– Keep a distance of > 1 meter from other patients.
– Officers wear N95, gown and gloves.
– Immediately send patients to be referred to a referral hospital or temporarily stay in isolation until they are referred.
– Medical officers in the isolation room wear PPE in accordance with the provisions of Infection Control & Prevention (PPI) in the isolation room.
3. Instructions for Prevention of Covid-19 Transmission in the ER
a. Separate care for patients with symptoms of respiratory tract infection with other common patients.
b. All patients wore surgical masks.
c. The doctor / health worker wears a surgical mask during the history taking and examinations with a distance of 1 meter.
d. Doctors do not need to wear a doctor’s coat.
e. For examinations that make the doctor/health worker distance from the patient <1 meter, the examining doctor/health worker wears a surgical mask, gloves, gown, and shoes / sandals.
f. For every action/examination that requires the patient to open his mouth, the examining doctor/health worker wears an N95 mask, gloves, protective gown, and hospital shoes/sandals.
g. If a patient has to undergo inhalation with a nebulizer, then the place must be separated in a separate room and alone to avoid breathing aerosols by those around him.
h. Wash hands before and after a physical examination.
i. Doctors/health workers are expected to bring a change of clothes and change clothes before returning home.
4. Instructions for Prevention of Covid-19 Transmission in the Operating Procedure / Action Room
a. Single door grooves (the same door between medical personnel and patients).
b. Before entering, the doctor / medical officer wore complete PPE according to the operating room SOP with a specialist doctor with anesthesiology specialist, anesthetist / nurse and operator wearing an N95 mask.
c. The patient is OK and is already wearing a surgical mask.
d. If the patient being operated on is confirmed as a Covid-19 patient, then the doctor / medical officer will use PPE in accordance with the PPE for handling Covid-19 patients in an isolation room.
e. When intubating, if possible, use a disposable blaster, if not available, you can use a regular blade by always cleaning or disinfecting the device after use from one patient to the next. The intubation technique is used with the Rapid Sequence Intubation (RSI) [This technique is less than 3 minutes long].
5. Guidelines for the Prevention of Covid-19 Transmission in the Regular / General Ward
a. Perform education when coughing and sneezing every day to all patients.
b. Anticipate complaints towards COVID-19 for each patient visit.
c. When carrying out examinations that require a distance between the patient and health workers <1 meter, the patient should wear a surgical mask.
d. Doctors/health workers always wear a surgical mask at every examination and wash their hands before and after carrying out the examination
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