A high intake of fat is a source of cholesterol which can cause gallstones. Prof. Ari Fahrial Syam, MD, MMB, PhD, FACP, FACG explained that basically, foods containing cholesterol could be a source of calories, but if the amount is excessive, it can gather in the gallbladder. Cholesterol that accumulates in the
Vegetables are a good source of dietary fiber. In addition, vegetables also contain a lot of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants which provide many benefits for the health of the body. Studies show that fiber can increase the absorption of vitamins and minerals in the body, potentially increasing daily energy levels. The
Exercising routine has many benefits, such as reducing body fat, relieving stress and panic, improving health, increasing bowel activity, and in certain cases, can reduce GERD symptoms. However, not all types of exercise are beneficial for GERD sufferers. Wrong in choosing the type and combination of exercise can affect the health of
One of the ways the body gets rid of waste products of metabolism is by defecation. The color and consistency of the stool produced by the large intestine can describe the health condition of the digestive tract. According to Prof. Ari Fahrial Syam, MD, MMB, Ph.D., FACG, FACP, Professor of Internal Medicine
RALEIGH, NC (April 22, 2020) – The Rome Foundation is proud to release the results of its global study on the worldwide prevalence and burden of twenty-two Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders, otherwise known as Disorders of Gut-Brain Interactions (DGBI), from 33 countries on 6 continents, in a paper soon to appear in
Referring to the World Health Organization (WHO) definition of health, gut health is a state of physical and mental well-being without any gastrointestinal complaints that require a doctor's consultation, without any indication or risk of intestinal disease, and without any confirmed bowel disease. Having a healthy gut means having a healthy gut
Toxic Megacolon (TM) is a rare but potentially fatal complication of inflammation of the colon. TM is defined as nonobstructive colonic dilation, greater than 6cm in diameter, which can be total or segmental and is usually associated with systemic toxicity. Any inflammatory bowel condition can predispose to TM. [caption id="attachment_6899" align="aligncenter" width="640"]
Colonoscopy is a medical procedure that uses a colonoscope to look inside the rectum and colon. Colonoscopy can show irritated and swollen tissue, ulcers, polyps, and cancer. When is colonoscopy used? A colonoscopy is used to help a doctor find the cause of symptoms, such as bleeding from the anus; changes in
Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is a gastrointestinal disease with disturbing symptoms and complications, due to reflux or the rising of stomach contents into the esophagus. GERD can be caused by the weakening of the sphincter valve in the lower esophagus, so it is not able to close properly. GERD is not life-threatening
Gastrointestinal bleeding can be experienced by adults and children. The causes of gastrointestinal bleeding in the adult group are quite varied. Prof. Ari Fahrial Syam, MD, MMB, PhD, FACP, FACG revealed that upper gastrointestinal bleeding has a higher mortality rate than lower gastrointestinal bleeding. Based on his research in 2001-2005 and 2010-2013,