Conformity between Ileoscopy Appearance with Terminal Ileum Histopathology Appearance in Normal Colonoscopy Chronic Diarrhea Patients

Indra Marki*, Ari Fahrial Syam**, Irsan Hasan*** * Department of Internal Medicine, Mitra Kelapa Gading Hospital, Jakarta ** Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia/Dr.Cipto Mangunkusumo General National Hospital, Jakarta *** Division of Hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia/Dr.Cipto Mangunkusumo General

Mirizzi Syndrome in Gallstone Complication

Ario Perbowo *, Dadang Makmun ** * Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General National Hospital, Jakarta ** Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia/Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General National Hospital, Jakarta   ABSTRACT Mirizzi syndrome is a rare complication

Factors that Influence Cecal Intubation Rate in Unsedated Patients during Colonoscopy

Suharjo B Cahyono*, Putut Bayupurnama**, Neneng Ratnasari** Catharina Triwikatmani**, Fahmi Indrarti**, Sutanto Maduseno**, Siti Nurdjanah** * Department of Internal Medicine, Charitas Hospital, Palembang ** Division of Gastroentero-hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of Medicine, University of Gadjah Mada/Dr. Sardjito General Hospital, Jogjakarta   ABSTRACT Background: Successful cecal intubation is a primary quality

Cost Effectiveness and Efficiency of Reusing Single-use Medical Devices

Aan Santi*, Risa Ismadewi*, TR Fitriyani*, Murdani Abdullah** * Digestive Endoscopy Center, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General National Hospital, Jakarta ** Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia/Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General National Hospital, Jakarta ABSTRACT Aim: Reusing single-use medical devices is a very important and complicated process

Common Bile Duct Structure Post Open Cholecystectomy

Taufiq*, Ari Fahrial Syam** * Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General National Hospital, Jakarta ** Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia/Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General National Hospital, Jakarta ABSTRACT Common bile duct stricture is a common complication following

Comparison between Intermittent Propofol Bolus Techniques and Target-Controlled Infusion in Patients Underwent Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

Arif HM Marsaban, Luki Sumaratih, Pryambodho Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia/Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General National Hospital, Jakarta   ABSTRACT Background: Nowadays, the use of propofol for sedation during gastrointestinal endoscopic procedure has become more popular, either by intermittent-bolus (IB) technique or target-controlled infusion (TCI). The aim

Colonoscopic Findings in Patients with Chronic Diarrhea at Mohammad Hoesin Hospital Palembang

Imam Suprianto, Suyata, Syadra Bardiman Rasyad, Fuad Bakry Division of Gastroentero-hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of Medicine, University of Sriwijaya/Mohammad Hoesin General Hospital, Palembang   ABSTRACT Background: Chronic diarrhea is a common problem encountered by clinicians. Colonoscopy is a tool with high accuracy and sensitivity to depict abnormalities and has the

Age and Alarm Symptoms Predict Upper Gastrointestinal Malignancy among Patients with Dyspepsia

Hendra Koncoro*, I Ketut Mariadi**, Gde Somayana**, IGA Suryadarma**, Nyoman Purwadi**, IDN Wibawa** * Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine University of Udayana/Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar ** Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine University of Udayana /Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar   ABSTRACT Background: Upper gastrointestinal (UGI) malignancy is one of the major

Correlation between Aspartate Aminotransferase to Platelet Ratio Index Score and the Degree of Esophageal Varices with Liver Cirrhosis

Imam Suprianto, Suyata, Syadra Bardiman Rasyad, Fuad Bakry Division of Gastroentero-Hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of Medicine, University of Sriwijaya Mohammad Hoesin General Hospital, Palembang   ABSTRACT Background: Esophageal varices is the most common complication in liver cirrhosis. Bleeding varices is a serious complication causing increased mortality rate. In anticipation of those

FSSG Scale System in Comparison with GERD Questionnaires in Predicting Endoscopic Findings with Reflux Esophagitis

Restuti Hidayani Saragih, Imelda Rey Division of of Gastroentero-hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of Medicine, University of North Sumatera/Adam Malik General Hospital, Medan  ABSTRACT Background: Gastroesophageal reflux diseases (GERD) frequently manifests in varied symptoms other than its classics (heartburn and regurgitation), this variation might hinder its diagnostic effort. Several questionnaires based on