One of the ways the body gets rid of waste products of metabolism is by defecation. The color and consistency of the stool produced by the large intestine can describe the health condition of the digestive tract. According to Prof. Ari Fahrial Syam, MD, MMB, Ph.D., FACG, FACP, Professor of Internal Medicine FMUI. Defecation can reflect the health condition of the large intestine because any food that enters the body will be processed through the large intestine before being excreted in fecal form.
Ideally, stools are medium-brown, long, smooth, and soft, which pass easily from the body with minimal pressure or effort (no straining required). Approximately 75% of the volume of the stools is water. The other 25% is a mixture of things, primarily dead and living bacteria, food waste, as well as undigested parts of foods, typically fibrous foods such as seeds, nuts, corn, and beans, and substances contributed by the intestines and liver, such as mucus and bile. Various things can affect the balance of stool content, such as diet, medication, supplements, and the presence of a GI disease, disorder, or infection.
Here are five signs from the stools that indicate the health condition of the digestive tract:
1. Hard and shaped like a rock or pebbles
A stool that is hard and shaped like tiny rocks or pebbles is a sign that digestion is experiencing constipation. The large intestine concentrates waste by absorbing water. If the muscle contractions in the large intestine don’t work properly, the stool becomes more concentrated and hard.
2. Color changes
A change in stool color can be caused by the food you eat, the types of bacteria that live in the large intestine, and additional coloring agents in foodstuffs. Most discolored stools are nothing to worry about, except for black or bloody stools, which can be an indication of a problem with the digestive system.
3. Black and tarry
The most common cause of black, tarry stools is taking iron supplements or drugs containing bismuth such as Pepto–Bismol. However, it can also mean that there is bleeding in the digestive tract, such as in the stomach or small intestine.
4. Oily
If the stool has an oily consistency and is difficult to pass, it could be a signal that the body is not digesting fat properly. Changes in consistency can be caused by infection, nutrients that are not digested properly due to celiac disease, or problems with the pancreas, such as pancreatic cancer or pancreatitis.
5. Thin
A stool that is only occasionally very thin is not a cause for concern. It is due to the contractions of the large intestine muscles that concentrate waste. However, if there is a sudden change and the stool is always very thin, it means that there is an obstruction in the large intestine.
Prof. Ari explained that abnormal stool is an alarm or sign from the body. If left unchecked, abnormal stools can lead to cancer. For example, bloody defecation is a 9% chance of colon cancer. To expedite defecation, Prof. Ari suggested consuming lots of fiber from vegetables and fruits, as well as consuming probiotics which can be obtained from yogurt. Good digestion is obtained through a healthy lifestyle by reducing the consumption of red meat, drinking enough water, and exercising regularly.
Johns Hopkins Medicine. (2022) 5 Things Your Poop Can Tell You About Your Health. Retrieved 11 November 2022. From: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/5-things-your-poop-can-tell-you-about-your-health
Canadian Society of Intestinal Research. (2012). Answers to 7 FAQs About Poop. Retrieved 11 November 2022. From: https://badgut.org/information-centre/a-z-digestive-topics/the-scoop-on-poop/
CNN Indonesia. (2018). Melihat Tanda Kelainan pada Usus Lewat Buang Air Besar. Retrieved 11 November 2022. From: https://www.cnnindonesia.com/gaya-hidup/20181207092611-255-351794/melihat-tanda-kelainan-pada-usus-lewat-buang-air-besar
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